The Cornerstone Academy Trust has defined bullying as something that is deliberate and hurtful, and is something that is repeated often over a period of time. Those that are experiencing the bullying will find it difficult to defend against.
There are several different types of bullying: Emotional, Physical, Racial, Sexual, Direct or Indirect Verbal, Cyber-bullying, and Prejudice-based bullying (relating to a protected characteristic, which may or may not be directed at an individual. They may or may not be carried out with the intention to harm or cause offence.)
Our aim as a Trust is to create an ethos of good behaviour in which all pupils treat each other and staff members with respect. Schools have specific statutory power to discipline any pupils displaying poor behaviour, including any bullying incident, that may take place outside of the school. All staff will act upon any reports of bullying incidents that happen within school, or out of school, and where necessary the police may be informed.
We expect every member of the school community to behave in a considerate way towards others.
We treat all children fairly and apply this policy without prejudice in a consistent non-judgemental way.
To see the full version of the Anti-Bullying policy, which includes the rights and responsibilities for Staff, Pupils and Parent/Carers, please view our Trust Policies page.