School Uniform

The school colours are royal blue and white with a logoed school rucksack.
All children from Reception to Year 6 are expected to wear the school uniform. Uniform is voluntary for the Nursery children, although a school sweatshirt is encouraged.
To summarise the Cornerstone uniform is a choice of grey trousers, shorts, skirt, pinafore or, in the summer term, a checked royal blue dress. With the trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore a plain white t-shirt and royal blue logoed school jumper or school cardigan is required, although a logoed t-shirt is available and if possible we would like them to wear this. All children must wear smart black school shoes. Please note that we do not accept black trainers or brands like Vans as an alternative to smart shoes.
The Cornerstone bags have been chosen specifically due to being able to fit neatly within our lockers or hang on pegs safely. They are big enough to fit a child’s PE or swimming kit, and in combination with the book bag provided in Reception and a boot bag where appropriate, provides plenty of space for everything a child at Cornerstone requires. In school, children are provided with a fully stocked pencil case, drinks bottle, tablet computer, and can order a school dinner – so very little needs to travel between home and school.
PE Kit

We know that uniform is costly and so we have ensured that the bulk of the uniform can be purchased from any retailer for items such as t-shirts, trousers, skirts and dresses. Clothing items with a logo can be purchased from Thomas Moore in Exeter, either in person or online by clicking here. Alternatively, during the school year you can place your order via your child’s WisePay account through our online shop and we will contact you when your items are ready to collect from school when you drop off or collect your child.
In partnership with ‘Friends of TCAT’ we have put together a uniform recycling system to support parents, which is massively supportive of families in ensuring they have uniform. It offers many items for sale at very affordable rates or as an exchange. If you have any uniform that you are now able to contribute to the scheme, please place items in the bins that are provided at each school.
Please view below to see the list of school uniform items.
School Uniform
Royal blue sweatshirt with logo
White polo shirt/blouse – logo optional
Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore
Black shoes (no trainers)

A small Royal Blue Rucksack
(Years R – 2)
A small Navy Blue Rucksack
(Years 3 – 4)
A large Navy Blue Rucksack
(Years 5 – 6)

PE & Games
Navy blue polo shirt with logo
Navy blue/black shorts
Football Boots
Navy blue hoody with logo
Navy blue tracksuit bottoms