Job Description

Post Title: School Librarian 

Reporting To: Executive Headteacher / Leadership Team

Responisble For: As part of a team of librarians, the management, development and promotion of the trust’s libraries and learning resources

Post Grading:  TS1 

(i)  This job description is not a comprehensive definition of the post. Discussions will take place between the Executive Headteacher or his representative and the School Librarian on a regular basis to clarify individual responsibilities within the general framework and character of the post identified below. 

(ii)  In drawing up this job description the Executive Headteacher acknowledges his responsibility in those ways defined in his Contract of Employment, to enable the holder of this post to carry out the assigned duties and responsibilities. The Executive Headteacher will consult you as appropriate during any review of these duties.

Part 1:
1.1 Exercise of general duties

To manage the library to ensure its effective use. You will support staff and pupils with selecting and accessing books and resources that assists learning and extends and enhances patterns of teaching. You will liaise with teachers across the school and with the wider learning community to ensure that there is appropriate access to learning resources electronic and otherwise for pre-KS1, KS1, and KS2.

1.2 Exercise of particular duties

You shall perform, in accordance with any directions which may reasonably be given to you by the Executive Headteacher/Leadership Team from time to time, such particular duties as may reasonably be assigned to you that keep within the general character of the post and, in particular:

  • the management of the school library, both electronic (including e-book) and hard copy resources;
  • the management of a school learning resources
  • the liaison with all sections in the school and with the wider learning community to ensure appropriate access to learning resources, electronic and otherwise;
  • provide help to pupils and staff with resources to assist learning and extend patterns of teaching;
  • to participate in the delivery of literacy programmes within the school;
  • to support literacy and reader development within the school;
  • to work with others to help plan resources for pre-KS1, KS1, and KS2.
  • To use the Dewey cataloguing system
  • Manage book returns and chasing overdue books
  • Stock taking of resources
  • Analyse usage and borrowing data
  • Analyse and review reading data from different assessments to support teachers in the targeting of support and resources to help children in their reading progress
  • Support in procurement processes for new resources
  • Support children in developing their knowledge of libraries and books and to operate a ‘Junior Librarian’ scheme, in conjunction with other staff.
  • Support children and their families in the ‘Book Track’ Scheme.
  • Liaise with parents, both in person and electronically to support them in the use of library and the borrowing of books and resources.
1.3 Duties and Responsibilities

The following duties shall be deemed to be included in the duties which you will be required to perform:

  • To help to promote pupil’s good behaviour and discipline through positive interactions with the pupils and participating fully in strategies agreed as part of any pupil’s individual behaviour plan.
  • To help to promote the general progress and well-being of individual pupils and of any group of pupils assigned to you.
  • To make relevant records and reports.
  • To make records of and reports on the personal and social needs of pupils.
  • To communicate information effectively to teachers, or other professionals whenever required appropriately to do so.
  • To communicate and co-operate with other agencies and professional bodies outside the school.
  • To participate in meetings arranged for any of the purposes described above.
  • To be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to child protection, health, safety and security, confidentiality and data protection, and reporting all concerns to an appropriate person.
  • To be aware of and supporting difference and ensuring all pupils have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop.
  • To contribute to the overall ethos/work/aims of the school.
  • To appreciate and support the role of other professionals.
1.4 Other activities:

The following duties shall be deemed to be included in the duties which you will be required to perform:

  • helping individual pupils or groups of pupils to access the differentiated curriculum, including assisting with the planning and preparation of learning resources electronic and other;
  • creating learning materials and displays;
  • supervising pupils in small group or 1:1 learning activities in school away from their main teaching area, following appropriate risk assessment;
  • responding appropriately to pupils’ attempts to communicate needs;
  • recognising when it is necessary to implement agreed de-escalation strategies to minimise risks of pupil’s behaviour becoming disruptive or dangerous;
  • taking action to meet pupils’ personal needs as they arise to avoid undue physical or mental stress and recognising when it is necessary to make adjustments to planned activities in order to enable a pupil to access the curriculum fully and make progress.
1.5 Educational methods:

To advise and co-operate with the Executive Headteacher and other teachers (or any one or more of them) on the preparation and development of teaching materials.

1.6 Discipline, health and safety:

To maintain good order among the pupils safeguarding their health and safety and the health and safety of others both when they are authorised to be on the school premises and when they are engaged in authorised school activities elsewhere.

1.7 Staff meetings:
  • To participate in meetings at the school which relate to the curriculum for the school or resourcing for the school or the administration or organisation of the school, including pastoral arrangements.
  • To participate in administrative and organisational tasks related to such duties as are described above including the ordering and allocation of equipment and materials commensurate with the position.
 1.8 Performance Management:

Participating in arrangements made for the performance management process at this school including participating in arrangements for your further training and development as a School Librarian.

 1.9 Performance Management:

You shall be available to perform such duties at such times and in such places as may be specified by the Executive Headteacher for 1,350 hours in any school year, those hours to be allocated reasonably throughout those days in the school year on which you are required to be available for work.

Time spent in travelling to or from the place of work shall not count against the hours worked.

You shall be allowed a break of reasonable length either between school sessions or between the hours of 11.30am and 2.00pm.

The post requires you to support pre-school learners and students in the age range 2+ to 11+ years as consistent with the ages of students attending the School and to do so at the reasonable direction of the Executive Headteacher/senior teachers. This job description may be amended at any time after consultation with you. The contents of this job description are known to have been, as appropriate, discussed with the post holder in question.

Person specification
 Qualifications and experience
  • Demonstrate levels of numeracy and literacy equivalent to GCSE (A-C)
  • Relevant experiencing of working with children, either paid or in a voluntary capacity
  • Hold a recognised qualification (NVQ level 2 or equivalent or higher)
  • Be committed to own professional development
  • Relevant experience with pre-school aged children
  • NVQ3
  • Graduate
Knowledge and Understanding
  • An understanding of the needs of young children.
  • Understanding of child development and the ways in which children learn.
  • Knowledge of the roles played by various adults in a child’s education.
  • Good behaviour management strategies.
  • Awareness of and commitment to inclusion, SEN and the support of all children, whatever their needs.
  • Interest in, and experience of how, ICT contributes as a powerful tool for both teaching and learning.
  • Commit to and engage with on-going professional development, performance management, target setting and review
  • Demonstrates a clear knowledge and understanding of relevant legislation and guidance in relation to working with, and the protection of, children and young people.
  • Displays a strong commitment to the protection and safeguarding of children and can describe how the school will provide a safe and secure environment for its children.
  • A positive approach to learning and gaining new skills through teamwork and training opportunities.
Attitudes, Skills and Abilities
  • Adaptable
  • Creative
  • Empathetic of children’s needs and the needs of their families.
  • Team participator. To be willing to support teachers and other staff in the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Good communication skills: oral, written and ICT.
  • Good ICT skills and a willingness to engage with new technologies
  • Ability to develop high quality teaching and learning resources to support teachers in their preparation of lessons.
  • Display work effectively
  • Record keeping of achievement file for key children
  • Support all staff and engage in a good staff team
  • Attend whole school staff meetings, training days and safeguarding training
  • Preparation of activities to suit particular stages of development
  • Washing and changing of children as appropriate, in line with the school’s intimate care policy
  • Actively promote and support the safeguarding of children ensuring policies and procedures are observed at all times
  • Reflective and developing practitioner
  • Effective time management and meeting of deadlines/targets
  • Assist children on an individual basis, in small group and whole class work.
  • Explain tasks simply and clearly and foster independence.
  • Prepared to mark work with children to ensure good progress is made for all students.
  • Accept and respond to authority and supervision.
  • Work with guidance, but under limited supervision.
  • Willingness to be involved in extracurricular opportunities for children
Personal qualities
  • Potential for future career progression
  • Enthusiasm and optimism
  • High standards of professionalism
  • Effective relationships with students, staff, parents, community and governors
  • Hard working and committed
  • Positive


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