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    Year 3 Art Curriculum
    Children will be taught various artistic techniques and will create artworks using a multitude of methods. The completed artworks will include: clay work, printing, landscapes and observational drawings. They will be taught…

    Sewing the Seasons

    • The children will learn how to thread a needle.
    • How to sew using a running stitch.
    • The children will be challenged to pick an appropriate fabric and colour for their chosen season.

    Christmas Card Design

    • Use a variety of controlled and fine-brush skills and techniques using inks or watercolours.
    • Introducing how to control wet colours and bleeding into them with other colours to create interesting effects.
    • Diagonal brushstrokes and flicking and twisting the end to achieve a quality finish. Metallic paint applied using handle of brush in a stippling-style technique.

    Still Life Painting

    • Explore the effect on paint of adding water, glue, sand, sawdust and use this in a painting.
    • Represent things observed, remembered or imagined, using colour selecting appropriate paint and brushes.
    • Use a viewfinder to select a view and visual clues in an image, then record what is in the frame
    • Plan the use of a camera to take a specific photo or set of photos
    • Building upon painting techniques from previous years, learn about specific techniques such as impasto.
    • Learning when and how to use different brushes for varying purposes using acrylic paint.

    Mayan Mask Making

    • They will develop the following techniques: painting, cutting, folding, sticking.
    • Learning how to apply to paint to a functional object (mask).
    • Represent things observed, remembered or imagined, using colour selecting appropriate paint and brushes
    • Introduces different types of brushes for specific purposes
    • Improve skills of overlapping and overlaying to place objects in front and behind
    • Cut multiple shapes with scissors and arrange /stick these on a surface for a purpose

    Roman Clay Coil Pot

    • Building on clay manipulation skills children apply these skills in a more controlled and precise way and using modelling tools to enhance work: rolling, coiling, score, slip, stick.
    • Use clay to construct a simple functional form such as a coil pot, smoothing and joining clay with care.
    • Build in clay a functional form using two/three building techniques and some surface decoration

    Representing Form via Drawing:

    • To show light and dark and depict form and depth using shading techniques
    • Light and darks – creating form using chalk and charcoal.

    Roman Portraiture/Busts – Drawing a Profile from a Photo

    • Using photography and shadows - tracing to capture an accurate image.
    • Adding detail then reducing scale digitally.
    • Plan the use of a camera to take a specific photo or set of photos
    • Uses line, tone, shape and mark with care to represent things seen, imagined or remembered.
    • Experiment with creating mood, feeling, movement and areas of interest using different media.
    • Use a painting program to make an image corresponding to their work in painting and digital collage to create a portrait in profile.

    Shang Dynasty Inspired Art - Wax Etchings

    • New technique of etching requires fine drawing skills which adds to drawing skills learnt in previous projects.
    • Introducing textures and effects from drawing upon different materials.
    • Observe patterns from vases and artefacts.
    • Recreate a pattern inspired by vases from the Shang Dynasty.


    Watercolour Landscapes

    • Applying paint in a different way to that of the impasto techniques that were previously taught.
    • Using water as a basis for the painting from water washes; applying with a wide brush (not previously introduced).
    • Observing and learning how the paint behaves differently to other paints to create different effects and textures.