Clyst Heath: "500 Words Stories" Competitions
Congratulations to all the children who took part in the “500 Stories” Competitions!
The entries were judged and below are our winning stories for you to enjoy!
"Sprinkle the Cat"
Once upon a time, there was a little cat called Sprinkle, who was very shy. It lived in a big, quiet library, where shelves of books stretched high up to the ceiling. Whenever someone came to visit, the cat would quickly hide behind the books, peeking out with wide eyes but never coming too close.
One day, as the library doors creaked open, the cat took a deep breath and made a brave leap from its hiding spot. With a soft thud, it landed on the wooden floor and padded over to its owner – the kind person who looked after the library. Just as the cat thought it was safe, someone spotted it! But to the cat’s relief, it was only the owner, smiling warmly.
The owner’s child was there too. They crouched down and gave the cat a gentle stroke, making its fur stand up in happy little ripples. “Mum! Look at this cat!” the child called excitedly. The child’s mum knelt down and stroked the cat too. “It’s time for dinner, Kitty,” she said with a smile.
Together, they all went home, where the cat curled up beside them as they ate a delicious dinner. That night, the cat dreamed of books, cuddles, and friendly faces.
The next morning, the family had warm, flaky croissants for breakfast, and the cat purred happily under the table. Then, just as always, the cat trotted back to the library, the owner went to work, and the little boy skipped off to nursery – ready for another day of adventures.
Key Stage 1
"Dragon Story"
One dark, spooky night, I set off to fight a dragon. As I walked, it started raining, so I tried to find some shelter. After finding a cave, I heard something creeping up behind me. I looked and saw a blue-spotted dragon!
I realized it was friendly, so I gave him some shiny, magical meat, and suddenly, a saddle dropped out of the sky! I put it on the dragon, and he shot into the sky. He flew down to the ground and started fighting the dragon.
It was nighttime, but I fought anyway. Suddenly, a sword appeared in my hand, along with shining, colorful armor. The battle began! I swung my sword again and again. The dragon breathed fire, and one of the fireballs nearly hit me. But then, he bowed down and flew away, landing on a distant mountain.
Just then, my dragon returned. I got on his back and flew away from the creepy, spooky mountain. As we soared through the sky, my colorful sword and shiny magical armor disappeared.
Lower Key Stage 2
" Ethan and the great expedition "
Upper Key Stage 2
" The cloning potion disaster "
Helena sat behind her desk, staring at her large mixing bowl. She was trying to make a dancing potion where if you give it to someone, they can’t stop dancing. The problem was that Helena couldn’t make the potion. “Five minutes left until lunch! This potion better be finished otherwise you will get detention for 2 hours!” Miss Moon called out. Helena sighed. She was never going to finish it and her parents were already caught up with all the things that she had got in trouble for at school and this would probably be the last straw.
Helena had managed to finish her potion but she didn’t want to try it out on herself so she looked around the room for something to try it on. She spied a mouse on the floor and gave it a little bit of the potion. She waited for the dancing to come but it didn’t come at all. Instead she saw a second mouse appear! She had made a cloning potion! She wanted to have a clone of herself so that she could have lots of different types of herself to do all of her homework.
As soon as it was lunchtime, Helena headed out of the science lab with a harsh telling off from the teacher. She needed to get to somewhere private to clone herself. She made a hard decision and decided to go back to her house to clone herself. It was a risky idea since she was already in trouble at school but she couldn’t possibly get in any more trouble, could she?
Helena slipped out of the school gates and walked over to her house. She pressed her against the door to see of anyone was inside. All was silent. She let herself into the house and she went into her room. She drank some of the potion and she could see another one of her staring at her. Helena was just about to get her clone to do her homework when her clone ran out of the house and went to the school.
The clone walked through the gates of the school and started to chuck food at the other girls in her year. The teachers came into view and took the clone inside. Oh no! They were going to take the clone to the headteachers office to tell her off (at least that was what they did to her the last time she got told off). Helena sped out of her house and to her school. She needed to get her clone back. Helena and her clone met eyes at the same time and they both knew what each other thought.
Helena and her clone ran over to the science lab and put the potion on a desk. She had to get rid of her clone. She needed to create a reverse potion. Just as she was making the reverse potion her clone walked out of the science lab and started to destroy the school…