Year 4 Computing Curriculum
Computing in year four is organised into three distinct but overlapping areas of knowledge and understanding: Digital Literacy, Information technology and Computer Science. Children will be taught…

Computer Science

  • To create programs by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns.
  • To write algorithms using the text based language logo.
  • To explore and read code based uses of repetition in programming using the Scratch and MakeCode environments
  • To compare and contrast the similarities between two environments.
  • To identify the difference between count-controlled and infinite loops, and modify existing animations and games using repetition.
  • To design and create a game which uses repetition, applying stages of programming design throughout.

Information Technology

  • To learn how a flat-file database can be used to organise data in records.
  • To use tools within a database to order and answer questions about data.
  • To create graphs and charts from the data to help solve problems.
  • To use a real-life database to answer a question, and present work to others.
  • To develop their understanding of how digital images can be changed and edited, and how they can then be resaved and reused.
  • To consider the impact that editing images can have, and evaluate the effectiveness of their choices.
  • To examine devices capable of recording digital audio, which will include identifying the input device (microphone) and output devices (speaker or headphones).
  • To understand about ownership of digital audio and the copyright implications of duplicating the work of others.
  • To record using Audacity and BandLab to produce a podcast, which will include editing their work, adding multiple tracks, and opening and saving the audio files.
  • To apply their knowledge and understanding of networks, to appreciate the internet as a network of networks which need to be kept secure.
  • To learn that the World Wide Web is part of the internet, and be given opportunities to explore the World Wide Web for themselves to learn about who owns content and what they can access, add, and create.
  • To evaluate online content to decide how honest, accurate, or reliable it is, and understand the consequences of false information.

Digital Literacy

  • To use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.