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  • Spanish
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    Year 1 Geography Curriculum
    Children will be taught three key strands of geographical knowledge, consider the subject's relevance to our chosen Modern Foreign Language (Spanish) and a selection of necessary skills to become geographers. Pupils will be encouraged to interpret and navigate a variety of maps, in physical and digital forms, as well as drawing many of their own with suitable symbols and scale. They will be taught…

    An Area of Human Geography: Where I Live

    • To explain the route that they take to get to school.
    • To make comparisons between features of different places.
    • To explain the order an address is written in on a letter.
    • To use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human features.
    • To devise a simple map, using a basic symbols key.

    Two areas of Physical Geography: Looking at the World & Farming

    • To name the world’s seven continents and the five oceans.
    • How travel through these different areas is different.
    • To locate hot and cold areas of the world, by focusing on the equator.
    • To identify different weather types and how they are useful or hinder the growing of crops.
    • Geographical similarities and differences between different locations.
    • To consider where food could grow.
    • To look at the weather of Britain and Spain and consider the crops that could grow.
    • About British and Spanish local cultures, including food and local produce.

    A range of Geographical skills: Map Reading, Map Making & Fieldwork

    • To use world maps, atlases, globes and digital maps to locate key continents, countries and oceans.
    • To use simple compass directions (N, E, S, W)
    • To devise a simple map of an imaginary place and construct a key with basic symbols.
    • Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and surrounding area.
    • To walk around the school and local area, trying to describe the noticeable human and physical features.