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  • Art
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    Design Technology
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    Outdoor Learning
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  • Enrichment

    Year 2 Art Curriculum
    Children will be taught various artistic techniques and will create artworks using a multitude of methods. The completed artworks will include: clay work, printing, collaborative work and observational drawings. They will be taught…

    London’s Burning

    • Building upon the applying contexts within art, fiery art that reflects an historic event.
    • Using mixed media and new techniques including marbling and fine cutting.
    • Fine cutting builds upon cutting techniques in Y1, Aut 1 and Spring 1.

    Remembrance Day - Cool and Warm Colours/span>

    • Introducing concepts of mood/emotion within art. Exploring how specific colours can tell a story and alter the meaning behind an image.

    WW2 Medal

    • Building on previous learning, using clay to represent an artifact.
    • Precise cutting, smoothing and impressing motifs/emblems into the surface of the clay.

    Art Around the World – Hundertwasser

    • Appreciating that art is from other countries and cultures.
    • Adopting the colours of the culture/style of artist.
    • Creating art in the style of another artist and immersing themselves into a different culture provides depth to their awareness of different art and cultures.
    • Oil pastels introduced as another form of linear drawing; developing drawing techniques to create different effects and textures and colour.

    Bangladesh – Printing

    • Mark making through printing using found objects and vibrant colours to represent that of a particular culture. This enhances their understanding of other cultures and countries.
    • Printing is a new technique that requires accuracy, concentration and a measured approach to avoid distorting the image.

    Collaborative Work - Create a Hanging Mobile

    • Joan Miro inspired artwork. Starting with 2D abstract drawings.
    • Learning to understand the idea of subjective rather than objective art using shape, line, form and colour arranged in an interesting composition.
    • Introducing sound as an inspiring factor.

    Camouflage Pictures

    • Masking technique is newly introduced.
    • Painting and cutting are developed with practise to create a 3D drawing and optical illusion.
    • An exploration of how nature can provide much inspiration.
    • Progression includes building on skills such as cutting, painting, sticking and observing.

    Observational Drawing

    • Developing observational drawing from previous portraits, children add details using a pencil and look very closely at naturally detailed objects.
    • Supported by a guided drawing session, children draw a cactus

    Sculpture (Desert Project) Cactus

    • Showing progression within this project, children realise their drawings progressing into a 3D design using modelling materials and paint.
    • Applying paint to an uneven surface.