Year 2 RE Curriculum
Children will be taught a religious education, built upon the Devon and Torbay SATRE plans and supported by the British Council Thems for Global Citizenship. This will be taught through substantive knowledge lessons, where children learn about religions. Expanding upon this, children will be encouraged to learn from religion and be encouraged to enquire. Pupils will be encouraged to consider what it means to be a good citizen and use prompting questions and philosophy for children to deepen discussions. They will be taught…

Learning about Religion: Texts and Tales

  • About who Hindus are and who they worship.
  • To recall the rules each belief follows.
  • To identify what texts are important to each belief and hear some of their stories.
  • To consider why these stories are important.
  • To consider what tales are told to Humanists and what they might teach us.

Learning from Religion: ‘Religious stories tell us how best to live our lives. Discuss.’

  • To consider their own reading interests and reflect on the morals of the stories.
  • An awareness of how religious texts are special and how to respect them.
  • To discuss how religious texts guide the lives’ of their followers.

British Council Theme for Global Citizens: Conflict and Peace

  • To understand why conflict occurs when ideas, beliefs and attitudes clash.
  • How to resolve, avoid and work through conflicts to achieve peace.
  • To develop friendship making skills.