Year 4 RE Curriculum
Children will be taught a religious education, built upon the Devon and Torbay SATRE plans and supported by the British Council Thems for Global Citizenship. This will be taught through substantive knowledge lessons, where children learn about religions. Expanding upon this, children will be encouraged to learn from religion and be encouraged to enquire. Pupils will be encouraged to consider what it means to be a good citizen and use prompting questions and philosophy for children to deepen discussions. They will be taught…

Learning about Religion: Place of Worship

  • About different places of worship and why they hold importance to people.
  • To identify acts of worship for different beliefs.
  • To consider important festivals that are celebrated and why they are important.

Learning from Religion: ‘What is worship and does it have to happen in a special place?’

  • To explore the variety of practices and ways of life for different beliefs.
  • To question the difference between buildings of the same faith.
  • To understand how religious festivals are related to key figures, events and stories.
  • To consider the important of places of worship visited within their local community.

British Council Theme for Global Citizens: Sustainable Living

  • To become more eco-aware and informed about sustainability.
  • What is causing climate change and consider the impact humans can have on this.
  • To appreciate the importance of the world and its maintenance.