Year 3 RE Curriculum
Children will be taught a religious education, built upon the Devon and Torbay SATRE plans and supported by the British Council Thems for Global Citizenship. This will be taught through substantive knowledge lessons, where children learn about religions. Expanding upon this, children will be encouraged to learn from religion and be encouraged to enquire. Pupils will be encouraged to consider what it means to be a good citizen and use prompting questions and philosophy for children to deepen discussions. They will be taught…

Learning about Religion: Journeys

  • About who Sikhs are and who they worship.
  • To recall the rules Sikhs follow.
  • To identify physical places of worship and locations that people travel to.
  • To consider spiritual journeys that people may take from different belief perspectives.

Learning from Religion: ‘The end is more important than the journey. Discuss.’

  • To explore the special journeys that people make, including pilgrimages, marriage, death.
  • To consider why people mark significant events of their life.
  • To discuss life as a journey.
  • To compare pilgrimages made by people of different beliefs.

British Council Theme for Global Citizens: Identity and Belonging

  • To explore the concept of social identity and the groups we belong in.
  • To gain an appreciation and understanding of global cultures.
  • To consider the positives of being different.