Year 2 History Curriculum
Children will be taught three key strands of Historical knowledge and a selection of necessary skills to become historians. They will be encouraged to ask and answer historically relevant questions, using historical vocabulary. A range of historical sources will be used to teach this curriculum, involving pictures, photographs, videos, artefacts and stories to extract information about the past. They will be taught…

An era of World History: Ancient Greece

  • To build upon the pre-history learnt in Year 1 around Ancient Egypt and Ancient Wonders.
  • How Ancient Greeks lived and learn about their culture.
  • To explore Greek myths and legends.
  • To understand why the Greek culture is still relevant now (e.g. The Olympics, Legends, Democracy)
  • The concept of slavery and what it means.
  • About ethical blind spots around slavery from the Ancient Greeks.

A Local Historical Study: World War Two

  • How World War Two started and ended.
  • To reflect on life in the trenches.
  • To reflect on life as an evacuee.
  • How to compare changes over the war, both positive and negative.
  • What life was like before, during and after the War.
  • What life was like in Exeter/Barnstaple during the Blitz.
  • What the school site was used for in World War Two.

An investigative chronological enquiry: ‘Are events solely a disaster or a triumph?’

  • To investigate a range of perceived historical triumphs and disasters.
  • To recognise the difference between old and new.
  • To place some events on a timeline and use this to support the retelling of past events.
  • To draw comparisons between our lives today and the lives of others in the past.