Year 5 History Curriculum
Children will be taught three key strands of Historical knowledge and a selection of necessary skills to become historians. They will be encouraged to ask and answer historically relevant questions, using historical vocabulary. A range of historical sources will be used to teach this curriculum, involving pictures, photographs, videos, artefacts and stories to extract information about the past. They will be taught…

An era of World History: The Stone Age to the Iron Age

  • To build upon earlier knowledge of pre-history.
  • About the Neolithic hunter-gatherers of the Stone Age.
  • That all modern humans can trace their ancestry to Africa, around 70,000 years before.
  • To investigate the Cheddar Man and black people in Britain during this era.
  • To discuss the mysteries of Stone Henge and it’s origins.
  • To investigate the Bronze Age, from the religion a the time to the technology and travel invented.
  • To explore the Iron Age and the impact it made on Nomadic Britain.

A Local Historical Study: Elizabethan Britain

  • To discover how she earnt control of the country.
  • To explore the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
  • Discuss what life was like for the people of the era.
  • How Devon was impacted during the era.
  • To explore the worldly journeys of Sir Francis Drake.

Promenade Theatre at Local Heritage Sites

  • A walking theatrical re-enactment that highlights costumes, props and language of the specified era.
  • About a select era of local history – that will likely change each year.

An investigative chronological enquiry: ‘Political leaders have had little impact on shaping the society we have today.’

  • To investigate a range of political leaders from history, compared to the studied Monarchs and leaders to this point.
  • To recognise the impact of events in the past on modern life.
  • To use relevant phrases and vocabulary to support in enquiry.
  • To place key events on a timeline and use this to support the retelling of past events.
  • To draw comparisons between our lives today and the lives of others in the past.