Year 4 History Curriculum
Children will be taught three key strands of Historical knowledge and a selection of necessary skills to become historians. They will be encouraged to ask and answer historically relevant questions, using historical vocabulary. A range of historical sources will be used to teach this curriculum, involving pictures, photographs, videos, artefacts and stories to extract information about the past. They will be taught…

An era of World History: Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

  • To build upon the Roman Empire of Year 3, why the Romans left Britain and the fall of Rome in 410AD.
  • To explore life after Romans and the birth of the Anglo-Saxons.
  • To understand the slow Christian conversion of the country from the Pagan gods.
  • About the life of Abbot Hadrian, a North African Churchman sent to Britain by Pope Gregory.
  • To consider the influence Hadrian had on the church of England and lives of people today.
  • About Anglo-Saxon rule and the five major kingdoms.
  • To consider the storytelling ability of the era, as well as other arts and culture.
  • To understand the Viking and Anglo-Saxon conflict.
  • About Viking fighting style, as well as raiding and exploring as part of the Scandinavian Culture.
  • Who Alfred the Gret was and the important role he played in Anglo rule.
  • When the era ended in 1066 with the Battle of Hastings.

A Local Historical Study: Victorian Britain

  • To explore life in the Victorian era and how it differs from today.
  • About the British Empire’s origin, conclusion and strength during the era.
  • About the Empire’s earlier role in the Slave Trade, considering displacement and disruption.
  • To use prior knowledge around Greek and Roman slaves to apply to the slave trade.
  • To consider the role children had at the time, from jobs to school.
  • To gain an understanding into the role of women in the era.
  • To expand upon Year 3 knowledge and investigate key inventors and inventions of the era.
  • Discuss how different attitudes were towards black people in Victorian Britain and the changes that were already beginning to happen.

An investigative chronological enquiry: ‘What would the world be like today without these women?’

  • To investigate a range of important women from throughout history.
  • To recognise the impact of events in the past on modern life.
  • To use relevant phrases and vocabulary to support in enquiry.
  • To place key events on a timeline and use this to support the retelling of past events.
  • To draw comparisons between our lives today and the lives of others in the past.