Year 3 History Curriculum
Children will be taught three key strands of Historical knowledge and a selection of necessary skills to become historians. They will be encouraged to ask and answer historically relevant questions, using historical vocabulary. A range of historical sources will be used to teach this curriculum, involving pictures, photographs, videos, artefacts and stories to extract information about the past. They will be taught…

Two eras of World History: Mayan Civilization & the Shang Dynasty

  • To build upon the pre-history learnt in Year 1 and 2 around Ancient Egypt, Wonders and Greece.
  • Who the Mayans were, where they lived and how they lived.
  • To explore the sacred nature of crops.
  • The importance of Mayan temples and how they were constructed.
  • Inventions of the era: codes, calendar, counting systems.
  • Extend global historical knowledge through Mayan culture and Shang Dynasty.
  • What life was like in Shang China for the Dynasty and the population.
  • Why cities were founded in their chosen locations.
  • Information around Shang and Mayan weaponry and battles.
  • Who people of Shang China worshiped.
  • The importance of Fu Hao and the role women played in Shang China.

A Local Historical Study: The Roman Empire

  • To build upon their pre-history learnt in Year 1 and 2.
  • How the Roman Empire grew and how its power spread.
  • The influence that the Romans had on Britain.
  • About the British Resistance of the Roman invaders.
  • The importance of Hadrian’s Wall
  • The impact Romans had on Exeter/Barnstaple.
  • Roman attitudes towards race and slavery.
  • How Boudica was a leader and the difficulties that women faced in Roman Britain.

An investigative chronological enquiry: ‘Which invention has impacted our lives the most?’

  • To investigate a range of inventions and inventors from throughout history.
  • To recognise the impact of events in the past on modern life.
  • To use relevant phrases and vocabulary to support in enquiry.
  • To place key events on a timeline and use this to support the retelling of past events.
  • To draw comparisons between our lives today and the lives of others in the past.