Year 6 History Curriculum
Children will be taught three key strands of Historical knowledge and a selection of necessary skills to become historians. They will be encouraged to ask and answer historically relevant questions, using historical vocabulary. A range of historical sources will be used to teach this curriculum, involving pictures, photographs, videos, artefacts and stories to extract information about the past. They will be taught…

An era of World History: Kings and Queens of Britain

  • To build upon the learnt history from Anglo-Britain (Y4) to Tudor life (Y1) to WWII (Y2).
  • To investigate the timeline of British Monarchy from 1066 to modern day.
  • About the Normans, Plantagenets, Lancasters, Yorks, Tudors, Stuarts, Hanovers, Windsors.
  • To re-explore the slave trade’s origin during the Stuart era.
  • To debate on particular monarchs, such as Richard III.

A Local Historical Study: Hidden Histories

  • To consider all learnt knowledge around the slave trade and apply this to a local case study.
  • To uncover lost histories within local areas and Britain.
  • To consider why Black and Asian history is not recorded to the same extent as White history locally.
  • To discuss why British monarchs are learnt in school and debate whether this is right or wrong.

An investigative chronological enquiry: ‘Queen Elizabeth II is Britain’s most influential and important leader.’

  • To investigate a range of leaders from history, compared to the studied Monarchs and leaders to this point.
  • Heavily building upon the discovered content of Year 5.
  • To recognise the impact of events in the past on modern life.
  • To use relevant phrases and vocabulary to support in enquiry.
  • To place key events on a timeline and use this to support the retelling of past events.
  • To draw comparisons between our lives today and the lives of others in the past.