After School Club
A wide range of after-school activities, from photography to football, Spanish to samba and computing to cooking, are offered for children from the Reception classes through to year 6. These typically run on a Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and finish at 5pm. The activities are run at a nominal fee of £14 per term, as a way to extend and enrich the school day. It is important that the member of staff running the club is informed directly if a child is absent or no longer wishes to attend. The activities are not provided as a care facility and can therefore be cancelled at short notice and often do not start util the second or third week of term.
The after-school club runs from 3:30pm until 6pm for some schools, and until 5pm for others, every day of the week. Children are given a drink and snacks and can take part in a variety of fun activities both inside and outdoors having access to a range of resources including computing devices. If a child attends one of the after-school activities, he/she can be taken to after-school care provision. This has proved to be a very popular service with parents and children and applications can be made at any point in the school year.
Great way to extend learning opportunities beyond the school day and enrich the opportunities for children to deepen their learning and achievement.

We send out a letter at the beginning of term to let parents know what activities are available for their child and, this letter will include a direct link to a booking form. Children will be able to give a first and second choice. Once activities for the term have been allocated, the form is removed.The activities are available to those who are in the years specified in the details. Children may attend more than one; however, places may be restricted for some of them due to both space and staffing. Priority places will be given to the older children. You will be notified if your child is not able to join a chosen activity for one of these reasons. In some instances, children do not enjoy an activity and may wish to drop out; should this become the case please inform the teachers running it so that the place can be given to someone else. Sometimes, parents have
actively encouraged their children to take part in activities which, in fact, the children themselves have not wished to attend and this has made motivating, engaging and involving those children very difficult. Where this is the case, we would really appreciate it if you discussed the situation with the teacher concerned.
In the interests of safety, it is essential that parents either call the school or send a letter/email if their child is ever unable to attend an after-school activity. A register will be called at each activity. In wet weather, outdoor activities will not be cancelled but will be relocated indoors, where the children will do something different, such as watch a film. In such instances, should parents wish to collect their child after school, we ask that they please do so from the designated club location and inform the teacher running the club. We will also be releasing children to their parents at the end of an activity, as we have had one or two instances where there has been confusion, a child has wandered off and parents have not known where they are.
The front car park is closed during pick-up time after these activities. Arrangements for pick-up at 4.45pm will therefore be the same as for 3.30pm. Please park in the village and pick up from school at the classrooms stated in the specific activity information.