Board of Trustees
The Trust seeks to fill the Board of Trustees with people who live in the local area, where possible, whilst having regard for the balance of skills and experience that it needs to fulfil its functions.
Summary of Register of Interests:
The Trustees are:

chair of trustees
Sam Chapman
Sam joined the governing body in 2017 and became Chair of Trustees in September 2021. Sam also Chairs the Hub Governance Committee and Westclyst Local Advisory Board, as well as sitting on many of the sub-committees for the Trust. She works for Devon County Council and brings a wealth of experience in Early Years to the Trust.
Appointed by the board of trustees | term of office september 2017 – september 2025 | date of appointment: september 2017

vice-chair of trustees
Ashley Dyer
Ashley joined the governing body in 2021 and became the Vice-Chair of Trustees in September 2022. He took over as Chair of the Finance Committee in September 2022. He teaches physics at Exeter College and has a child at Broadclyst Primary School.
Appointed by the board of trustees | term of office february 2021 – february 2025 | date of appointment: february 2021

cEO & executive headteacher for cornerstone academy trust
Jonathan Bishop
Jonathan is the Chief Executive of the Trust and sits on most of the sub-committees. He has been with the Trust since 1993, initially as a class teacher at Broadclyst Primary School, then Deputy Head and subsequently Headteacher. He was instrumental driving through the Academisation of the Trust in 2010. Jonathan has 3 children who moved through Broadclyst Primary School and now work for the Trust.
Appointed by the board of trustees | term of office september 2010 | date of appointment: september 2010

chair of personnel committee and pay and performance management committee
Rachel Billen
Rachel joined the governing body in 2012. She works as a solicitor for Browne Jacobson solicitors and specialises in employment law. Rachel Chairs the Personnel Sub-Committee and Pay and Performance Committee, as well as supporting other sub-committees. She has a child who attends Westclyst Primary School.
Appointed by the board of trustees | term of office march 2013 – march 2025 | date of appointment: march 2013

Richard Brooks
Richard joined as a governor in December 2023. He has 2 children at Broadclyst Primary School. Having worked for many years within the DfE, Richard has changed vocation and is a curate for the East Clyst Churches.
Appointed by Board of Trustees / Term of Office December 2023 – December 2027 / Date of Appointment: December 2023

chair of standards, broadclyst & yeo valley local advisory boards
Ken Dyson
Ken joined the governors in 2010. He is the Chair of the Standards sub-committee and Chair for the Local Advisory Boards for Broadclyst and Yeo Valley Primary Schools but also sits on other sub-committee. He is now retired but worked as a HMI Inspector for a number of years and has a wealth of experience from working with various educational bodies including as a regulator for Ofsted Inspections.
Appointed by the board of trustees | term of office september 2010 – september 2022 | date of appointment: september 2010

Chair of Admissions Committee
Myles Gordon
Myles joined as a governor in December 2014. He Chairs the Admissions sub-committee and sits on other sub-committees. He is an Independent Mortgage Consultant. He has a child who attended Broadclyst Primary School who has since moved onto secondary school.
Appointed by Board of Trustees / Term of Office December 2014 – December 2026 / Date of Appointment: December 2014

chair of facilities committee and mcps local advisory board
John Waddingham
John joined as a governor in 2015. He Chairs the Facilities Committee as well as sitting on other committees. He is employed as a Principal Hydrologist for the Environment Agency’s Hydrology service. John has 3 children, 2 have since left primary school and are now at secondary, with one child still at Broadclyst Primary School.
Appointed by Board of Trustees | Term of Office March 2015 – April 2026 | Date of Appointment: March 2015