Data Protection

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO): Kyriaki Constanti. She is responsible for overseeing our Data Protection Policy and implementation, to ensure the Trust remains GDPR compliant. If you have a query about yours, or your child’s, personal data please contact our DPO.

Kyriaki Constanti

Data Protection Officer


The personal data which we hold is subject to certain legal safeguards specified in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Read more about the Data Protection Act from the website linked below. 

Privacy Notices

An important aspect of complying with data protection legislation is being open and transparent with individuals about how their personal data will be used. This is achieved through the publication of privacy notices. These can be found on our Privacy Notices Page.

Subject Access Request

An individual has the right to put in a request to access their personal information. Further information on how to do this is detailed within our Subject Access Request Policy which can be access from the Trust Policies page. 

To make a Subject Access Request, please complete the form below and email to our DPO listed above.

Freedom of Information

An individual has the right to put in a request to access their personal information. Further information on how to do this is detailed within our Freedom of Information Policy which can be accessed from the Trust Policies page.

To make a Freedom of Information Request, please complete the Freedom of Information Request Form and send to the DPO email above

Cornerstone Policies

Please view the policies below. 

Protection of Biometric Data

Freedom of Information

Document Retention
