What are Special Educational Needs?

Some children have barriers to learning that mean they have special needs and require particular action by the school. They may be for a short period or throughout a child’s educational life. They may be identified before a child has even entered school or they may come to be recognised at a specific point in their education. 

They may have difficulties with:

● Reading, writing, number work or understanding information. 

● All of the work in school. 

● Expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying. 

● Speech and/or language. 

● Making friends or relating to adults. 

● Behaving appropriately in school. 

● Organising themselves. 

● Sensory or physical needs. 

● Emotional needs. 

How do we support your child?

The Cornerstone Academy Trust is proud of the work it does with all its pupils and it has significant strengths working with children with special needs. We build self-esteem with positive learning experiences and successfully involve children with whole school life. We endeavour to make every effort to achieve maximum inclusion of all pupils (including those with SEND) whilst meeting pupils’ individual needs. Teachers provide learning opportunities for all the pupils within the school environment and provide materials appropriate to pupils’ interests and abilities. This ensures that all pupils have full access to learning opportunities within a broad and balanced curriculum. We apply the Assess, Plan, Do, Review approach and use Devon’s Graduated Response Tool to guide our high quality Universal, Targeted and Specialist provision. 

When providing more targeted and specialist support, we use the appropriate internal specialists, including the School Nurse (social and emotional, health and wellbeing) and Speech and Language Therapist and where necessary, make referrals to external services. 


The Trust’s SEND provision is led by Theresa Cavallo (Head of Strategy and Children’s Services). She oversees Special Educational Needs provision across all schools in the Trust and works as one of the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators. The Trust also employs four additional SENCOs along with the School Nurses who complete the Trust’s SEND team. 

Head of Children's services
Teresa Cavallo

PA to head of children's services
Gemma Westle

Joe Foster

Emily Daniels
School nurse
Rachel Shelton

School Nurse
Tracy Wills

speech & language therapist
Sally-Anne Winston

speech & language therapist
Sarah Mcleod

All are happy to speak to parents and carers about general issues related to special needs as well as specific questions relating to your child. 

The SENDCOs will work with you, your child and the staff to deliver a graduated response to Assess, Plan, Do and Review any support to: 

• Develop effective ways of overcoming barriers to learning. 

• All of the work in school. 

• Expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying. 

• Speech and/or language. 

• Making friends or relating to adults. 

• Behaving appropriately in school. 

• Organising themselves. 

• Sensory or physical needs. 

• Emotional needs. 
