Staff Benefits

Discounted Meals
Experience the delight of a home-cooked meal crafted by our fully-qualified chefs, each bringing years of expertise from the catering industry to your plate. Every day, savour dishes that are freshly prepared and cooked the finest ingredients, ensuring a delicious and nutritious dining experience.
Cycle to Work Scheme
TCAT will review your application and cover the cost of your Cycle Scheme package. Once approved, you’ll receive an eCertificate from Cycle Scheme. Simply exchange your certificate for your gear, either in-store or online, and you’re all set to hit the road!
Medical Cover
You can claim money back from visits to opticians, dentists, GPs, chiropodists and chiropractors. Plus a whole range of health benefits from Simply Health including: Speak to a GP 24/7, Advice & Counselling, Video physiotherapy Assessments, Online Health resources, Health treatment service, offers & discounts.

Peninsula Pensions
The Local Government Pension Scheme is a valuable part of the pay and reward package for employees working in local government or for one of the other employers participating in the scheme. The LGPS is a career average revalued earnings (CARE) scheme, which means your benefits are based on your salary for each year you are in the scheme and each year it is revalued in line with Pensions Act increases.
Holiday Club Discount
As a staff member, you will be able to receive a significant discount for your child to attend the TCAT Holiday Club. You will receive a 75% discount for your child to attend the Holiday Club if you are working on that day. This means, your child will be able to attend the club for £4.50 per session (£9 a day). You are still entitled to a 50% discount if you are not working that day but would still like your child to attend.
Other Benefits
- Discounts in the School Coffee Shop
- Unlimited free tea & coffee throughout the day
- Staff uniform & clothing relevant to your role
- Up to date IT equipment including a personal device